Here are the best tips to get wax out of clothing


· Lifestyle,Others

A candle moment is something everyone loves. Candle wicks that flicker can set the mood. They can be used to provide soft lighting for a dinner party, or they can be used as a treat-yourself candlelight during an evening of R&R.

This is until the wax from the scented candle drips onto your tablecloth, or the melted bits get all over your table when you dim the flame. This can be a very bad scene. Watching the hot, untouchable liquid drip off your candle quickly and harden while you attempt to process the fact that your favorite shirt or fluffy fabric may be permanently damaged. It is not a pleasant feeling to see your clothes being trampled by the waxy flood.

However, it's not all bad news. We are going to share some tips for getting wax out of clothes. This is great news! It's not as difficult as you might think. Continue reading and follow our step-by-step guide to make it easy for you to rejoice.

There are many effective methods to remove wax from fabric. One method is scraping.

Before you do anything, allow the candle wax to dry completely before you take any action. This is one kind of stain that requires patience. It should be as solid and strong as possible before you attempt to attack it.

Here are the steps to remove candle wax from clothes with the scraping method.

After the candle wax has dried completely, you can take out the large chunk that it formed to get rid. You will only have a small amount of residue.

Grab an object that has a sharp edge, such as a credit card edge or dull knife.

Scrape the remaining wax stain gently but firmly. Avoid damaging clothes and fabrics by not pressing down too hard, especially if the wax stain is delicate.

How to remove wax from clothing: Use a hot iron

Best Steps-How to Get Wax Out of Clothes-After you have removed most of the wax from your clothes, it is possible for some residue to remain.

Don't despair Instead, think hot! It is possible to heat the clothing to remove candle wax.

Here are the essentials:

A hair dryer or clothing iron

Brown paper bags and paper towels

Stain Remover

Laundry detergent

This is how to remove candle wax from clothes with an iron

Turn your clothes iron to low heat and let it heat up. You can use your hairdryer if you don't own one, or if you are working with delicate or other fabrics.

Place your tablecloth or garment between two brown paper bags or absorbent paper towels. If your fabric is delicate, such as silk or wool, place a cloth on the side that you will be ironing.

To transfer the wax stain onto the paper towel, press down lightly on the paper bag or paper towel. You can also blow hot air directly onto the area. After each absorption, rub the paper towel until no more wax remains.

You might have some oil left on your fabric or clothes. To treat this, take out your stain remover.

Use your regular detergent to wash your garment.

Three Alternative Methods to Remove Wax from Clothes

There are other ways to remove wax residue from fabric if heat is not an option. Let's look at three of them.

1. Vegetable Oil

If there is a large wax chunk, first get rid of it. Next, use vegetable oil to gently clean the stain. Use a paper towel to pat the stain and then wash with your regular detergent.

2. Rinse with boiling water

Before you begin, remove the large chunk of candle wax from your fabric.

Next, place your tablecloth or garment over a large mixing bowl. Make sure the area stained is above the bowl. Secure the cloth using a rubber band. Let the stain soak in boiling water and let it cool.

Continue repeating until all wax is gone, then wash as usual.

3. Carpet Cleaner

After removing the candle wax, apply some carpet cleaner to the stain. Use a toothbrush to scrub the area. Blot any excess with paper towels, and then wash as usual.

Wax on, wax off

It can be very distressing to see hot wax from candles spill onto your table or on your favorite garment. However, the methods we have described here will make your fabrics look as good as new. If the stain persists, start by scraping.


So Here are the best tips to get wax out of clothing.